There are a lot of moving parts that help the daily operations of your business run smoothly. In the event of a crisis, those parts all need to be accounted for and attended to.
When building a business resumption plan, it is important to consider six different components of your business that may be affected in an emergency situation. Breaking the process down into these segments will make it easier to delegate duties and implement a planned strategy if and when a disaster occurs.
1. Operational
The day-to-day operations of a company are likely to be affected in a critical emergency. Your plan should outline how to get things up and running again as efficiently as possible. For instance, if computer systems are not available, what alternative means do you have to carry out processes?
2. Client Support
Even in the event of a disaster, natural or technological, your clients are going to need attention. They may have questions about how the situation will affect them or simply need your services. It’s important to have a plan so your company can continue to tend to clients throughout the crisis.
3. Phones/Internet
In this day and age, phone and Internet systems are your company’s strongest link to your clients. If either or both of these systems go down, you’re going to need to have a way to get in touch with clients.
4. Financial
Money can be a major issue when it comes to emergencies. Will the business lose money in the event of a disaster? What are the best ways to ensure monetary loss is at a minimum? Having some money set aside in savings for crisis situations is also very wise.
5. Company Data
Your company’s data is one of the most precious resources you have. Loss of data, especially with no viable backup, can have catastrophic consequences. Be sure to have multiple backup systems in place so that in the event of a disaster, that data is easily restored and accessed.
6. Hardware/Software
Damage to hardware or software can throw a huge wrench in the works. Do you have backup computers available, if needed? How about extra copies of the software in case that information gets wiped from the hardware?
Need a partner when developing your plan? Reach out to Integris today.