To have good cybersecurity, you should know the cybersecurity programs and assets you have, what they cover, how they interact with your data, and whether they’ve been updated. In a nutshell, that’s cybersecurity asset management. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? But, as anyone who’s had to keep track of continual software updates, upgrades and system rewrites knows, keeping all that information coordinated isn’t always an easy task.
Luckily, the world of cybersecurity asset management has matured, and it’s now easy to find services to help keep your digital assets in line. A good managed service IT provider (MSP) can be your partner in that endeavor. Here at Integris, keeping our clients up to date on their asset management is a key part of the way we do business.
Here’s some of the key things every business needs to know about cybersecurity asset management, before they start.
Cybersecurity Asset Management: Why You Need It
Cybersecurity Asset Management is the starting point for pretty much anything you need to do in cybersecurity. It only makes sense after all. You can’t build on a program unless you know the building blocks currently in your possession. A good asset management program will:
- Keep track of all your software, and software licenses around cybersecurity
- Catalog all your system patches and upgrades, where applicable, for those programs
- Help keep you compliant with your cyber liability insurance provider
- Be an important pillar of your compliance effort for industry specific regulations, such as HIPAA, CMMC, NIST and more
- Help you clarify exactly what data and processes are covered by your current cybersecurity products and protocols
- Help you identify important gaps in your cybersecurity coverage
Cybersecurity Asset management is a pivotal tool. So it’s no surprise that it’s usually listed as a starting point in CIS Critical Controls, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, and in guidance by the Security and Exchange Commission.
So next, let’s talk about what, exactly, a cybersecurity asset management program covers.
Cybersecurity Asset Management: What It Covers
Your Cybersecurity Asset Management program is something a good managed service IT provider can help coordinate for you, How that’s done will depend on your cybersecurity apps, programs and systems, and how they work together. But, speaking generally, your cybersecurity asset management program should include:
Vulnerability management, which will help find where your current programs are out of date, missing updates, or outmoded. It will also look at the connected devices those programs are running on, and search for vulnerabilities there.
Cloud security, which identifies cloud-run cybersecurity programs, and looks for unpatched software, poor configuration or problems with password protocols or access.
Device discovery and protection, which will look at all the endpoints and devices that your cybersecurity assets are running on, and make sure they all are installed properly, and updated in a timely matter.
Incident response, which will generate reports to your IT team when there’s an incident that needs remediating.
Cybersecurity policy enforcement, which outlines where and how your cybersecurity assets are complying with your current policies and regulatory burdens. This is expanded as new devices and programs are added.
So, as you can see, your cybersecurity asset management program is really the foundation of your cybersecurity program. And no matter what the size of your company, you need a cybersecurity program. Your asset management will be step number one in protecting your company.
Where to Go for More Information on Cybersecurity Asset Management
If you’re looking to set up a cybersecurity asset management program for your company, you’re in luck. We have al the resources you need to take a deep dive on the subject. First, take a look at our recent blog on network management tools, and take a closer look at how to create a cybersecurity plan.
And, of course, every cybersecurity asset management plan should go hand in hand with a risk assessment. Here’s the seven reasons why you need a risk assessment at your company. Our cybersecurity checklist that can help you get your arms around what you’re doing well, and where you need to shore up your company’s cyber defenses.
If you want to get started on creating an asset management program of your own, we can help. Download our FREE asset tracking spreadsheet! And if you’re in one of our service areas, contact us! We’d love to talk to you about your asset management, and tie it in to a new cybersecurity program for you company!