Why Your Baltimore Business Needs A Robust Business Continuity Plan.


April 15, 2013

Business owners around Baltimore understand the importance of meeting expectations of their clients and ensuring their business remains profitable at all times. The most successful ones take steps to ensure nothing stands in their way.

Threats confront business leaders daily. Mother nature, disgruntled employees and technical breakdowns can hit the heart of your business network at any time and it is not IF but WHEN your business has a data or computer challenge that can seriously impact your ability to serve the needs of your clients.

Many companies have met with us to discuss having a business continuity plan or strategy. Our business continuity plans provide your business with a complete set of instructions and have redundancy programs in place so when a computer outage occurs, critical services can be restored rapidly either virtually in the cloud or on backup services on premise.

Here are a few reasons why it is important for your business to have a business continuity strategy in place.

Increase in business value:  It is no secret that a well run business with predictable future revenues have additional value over the businesses who have no future revenues. An additional tip; when your business has a complete business strategy program in place, your business will have a higher value over those who don’t.

How about your business insurance: When speaking with business insurance professionals, we have been told that a business with a business continuity program in place could potentially enjoy lower business insurance premiums over those who do not.

Happy shareholders: Your shareholders want to know that you are doing everything it takes to protect their investments. Shareholders can get a bit upset if you fail to protect their investments. A business’ data is their biggest asset.

New compliance standards: New compliance requirements are forcing businesses to protect all business data. What industry compliance regulations are mandating that you must take steps to protect all business data and computer systems? Hefty fines can exist if you fail to protect data and ensure your business can continue to run when a disaster strikes.

Sustainable business: We all understand that emergencies and outages occur in business. Telephone services goes down, Internet stops working and computers crash. These are more common than a storm striking the heart of your business. Can your business continue to run when a disaster strikes? As a business owner, wouldn’t you want to protect your assets?  Many agree with this core principle, but fail to take the steps to sustain their business. Like a good security system, too many wait until something happens to push them to act.

Are you one of those business owners who talk the talk but fail to walk the walk when it comes to protecting your most valuable business assets? It is not too late to do something about that. Our team of business continuity professionals will help you ensure that you have an affordable business continuity plan and strategy in place. Contact us now to book a no obligation discussion on how to best protect your business data.

Contact Integris today and learn about our complete range of data backup solutions, disaster recovery services and business continuity technologies.

We're Integris. We're always working to empower people through technology.

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