Integris Impact

Integris Impact

Our mission to do good in our local communities.

Service beyond servers

Because Integris values the local communities we serve, we take a local approach to our charitable giving and community involvement. The Integris Impact program allows employees to take a set amount of PTO each each year to volunteer at the local charity of their choosing.

Logo of integris impact 2024, featuring the name in black and red text with a red stylized 'i' above the word 'integris'.


donated directly to over 40 charities in 2024

Doing good where we live

Collectively, our team members have donated thousands of hours each year to making their communities a better place. In addition to their individual efforts, our employees band together for local efforts such as participating in charitable fundraising walks, working in cleanups and construction, or donating tech services or equipment to local nonprofits.

Some of the organizations Integris Impact has helped include:

Logo of the atlanta humane society featuring the word "atlanta" in lowercase, "humane society" below in larger text, and a red heart replacing the letter 'o' in "humane".
Logo of grounds for sculpture featuring a stylized outline of three interconnected buildings with green accents and turquoise windows.
Logo of "we don't waste" featuring a green circle with an orange spoon and fork inside, next to the organization's name in black and orange text.
Logo of emancipet clinics featuring silhouettes of a dog and a cat with the text "emancipet clinics" below.
Uplift Colorado
Logo of "any baby can" in lowercase blue letters with a smile under the text.
Logo of the wichita open featuring blue and red text with a circular emblem displaying a cross and a propeller, sponsored by ku wichita pediatrics.
Logo of "6stones" featuring a stylized numeral "6" in blue, followed by the word "stones" in black lowercase letters.
Logo text in blue: "arlington life shelter" with the words in a bold, sans-serif font.
Logo of respite retreats featuring stylish lettering and a circular purple emblem.
Logo of meals on wheels boulder featuring three interlinked circles in red, orange, and green, with a spoon on the left side, and the organization's name below.