2022 Tech Trends That Are Worth Your Investment


January 11, 2022

If the tech industry has a 2022 that is anything like our 2021, we’re in for another year of rapid growth, burgeoning security threats, and sea changes in the way business is done.

And the tech industry, in general, is slated to be back on track for its more typical growth rate of around five to six percent yearly growth, according to the latest reporting from CompTIA.

And that’s hardly surprising. The pandemic has sped everything up. Trends and tools that might have taken ten years to develop became standard in a matter of months. You can see that in the explosive growth of cloud computing. The “new normal” of home/office hybrid work. The rapid uptake of two factor, multi-factor and zero trust networks. And you can definitely see it in the global scramble to stay ahead of the explosion in cybercrime.

So, that all has the potential to be news in the new year. And that can be pretty overwhelming, particularly if you’re trying to balance your tech budget in a small or medium sized company. But the good news is, tools are getting better all the time, and are increasingly scaled to bring enterprise-grade capabilities even to very small companies. The industry, as a whole, is stepping up to make the right tools attainable. New and better ways of running your business and your networks are coming to your doorstep.

Here’s some of the big trends I believe you’ll be seeing a lot more of in 2022:

1. Companies will invest more in cybersecurity insurance than ever before.

With threats growing, cybersecurity insurance has become a must-have. Expect the market for cyber insurance to grow by $20.4 billion by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 21% percent. More companies will develop C-suite level cybersecurity committees, too.

Why is this? Because the cost of a serious breach could be enough to cripple many companies. So, we actively encourage all our clients to find a good cybersecurity insurance provider. And you shouldn’t just stop there. To receive a payout for a claim, most insurers will require that your organization have good cybersecurity protocols and tools in place. That includes having the proper software systems in place to run breach reports and do forensic analysis. In other words, insurers help those who help themselves. We often help our clients with the prep work necessary to work with a cyber insurer. Any good MSP should be able to help you do the same.

2. Cloud-based desktop software like Microsoft’s Cloud PC will grow in popularity.

According to a recent report from Vision Gain Research, the market for remote-ready, device agnostic cloud desktop tech will double, to $947 billion, by 2026.

We’ve seen this play out at Iconic. Our clients are lining up Cloud PC test drives and moving more of their network to the cloud than ever before. While cloud computing isn’t right for every process or every company, the extra flexibility cloud can bring to your organization can be revolutionary. If you’re not looking into what cloud could do for your company, chances are good you’re missing out.

3. Companies of all sizes will rely on SIEM cybersecurity defenses.

Cyberthieves are lying in wait in your system for longer, up to 30 to 60 days, before attacking. Security Incident and Event Management software (SIEM) can find their hiding places by looking for the breadcrumbs thieves leave behind in your system. Between 2021 and 2027, the market for SIEM products is predicted to double, to $3.9 billion, according to Valuates Reports.

SIEM is one of those technologies cybersecurity insurers are starting to require from the companies they cover. If you have cybersecurity insurance but don’t have SIEM, you should have a conversation with your IT department of MSP right away.

4. Mobile devices will become a bigger target for hackers.

With more employees than ever working remotely, they’re more likely to use poorly protected cell phones and computers on unsecured wifi. According to Digital Information World, 40 percent of mobile phones are prone to attack, and in need of better authentications and cybersecurity software.

5. AI-enabled cybersecurity software will help companies mitigate network threats in their networks, and the Internet of Things.

CEPS Task Force Report estimates a growth of 23.5 percent year-over-year growth in the next five years. What does the AI do? Scan for threats faster than ever. Use contextual knowledge to determine when something about your system isn’t right. And, as we’re moving towards more interconnected “Internet of Things” environments on everything from factory floors and retail floors, cutting edge AI cybersecurity tools will help keep the expanded online/physical metaverse safer.

2022: Looking Forward to Another Record Breaking Year

So, as you can see from these stats, the tech industry is for another year of historic growth. And, as a result, your organization could be poised to take advantage of the tremendous gains in productivity and computing safety these innovations offer. Want to get on the cutting edge? As always, contact us. We’d love to help your small or medium sized business have the cutting edge network systems you deserve.

Mike Fowler was Chief Operating Officer at Integris until 2023. In this role, he brought over twenty years of experience in the IT and MSP industry, including the operations of a national brand.

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